Gamieon Turns 20!
The indie studio marches on! Founded on October 26, 2004 by Christopher Haag, Gamieon is a one-developer hobbyist video game development studio…

The indie studio marches on!
Founded on October 26, 2004 by Christopher Haag, Gamieon is a one-developer hobbyist video game development studio for pick-up-and-play games across the desktop, console and mobile platforms. It was established while Christopher was employed full-time at Nextech Systems helping to develop world-class medical patient tracking software, and continued on as he changed employment to Certain Affinity where he helps develop world-class video games to this day.
While Christopher took on many responsibilities including principal engineering, design, QA and occasionally artwork, website maintenance and marketing; over the years he had a great deal of help from the talented team at Meta3D studios who produced art, sound effects and music for his projects. After initially using his own game engine, he switched to Unity3D and Unreal Engine for projects that each best suited. All released games were self-published, and all development was done in Christopher’s spare time.
Gamieon boasts five releases, all of them made in barely the span of five years with Unity3D. Cycles3D is a stylized take on the classic Tron light cycles game made primarily to learn how to develop games with Unity3D. The other four are mobile releases: Tiltz is a game where you guide falling objects into a barrel using your fingers and by tilting the phone. Hyperspace Pinball, which later came out for the PC platform through Steam, is a pinball-style game where you destroy aliens using a pinball. Hamster Chase is a cartoony labyrinth-like game where you guide hamsters in balls to waypoints while avoiding an evil cat. Domino Arena is a game where you use your wits to knock over dominoes so that as many of them as possible share your player’s assigned color.
Over time, Gamieon’s releases accumulated over 300,000 downloads. Due to the costs in both time and money to regularly maintain them however, all apps were removed from Google Play and the App Store.
Gamieon also has its share of abandoned projects: Paper Cowboys was a 2D online multiplayer western shooter-scroller created in a total of 48 hours. Texas Bounty was a stylized 3D version of Paper Cowboys. The Gamieon Construction Kit was a multiplayer sandbox where you built intricate structures to guide falling marbles into a funnel. Dominoze was a physics puzzle game where you had to line up dominoes to make them all fall.
Currently Gamieon is developing an online multiplayer sports brawler called Field of Heroes. This game blends the rules of a soccer game with the combat of a MOBA. With a closed beta starting as soon as late 2024 and an optimistic release window in early 2026, it is by far the studio’s largest investment and most ambitious project. Learn more at and follow Gamieon on social media!